The kidneys, bladder, urethra and ureter form the urinary system which is responsible for eliminating toxins and wastes from the body. Homeopathy describes 13 types of Mutraghata (urinary problems). Disorders can be as simple as a burning sensation while passing urine, an infection, or advanced issues such as kidney stones, inflammation of the kidneys or bladder cancer. Urinary irregularities may also be symptoms of underlying metabolic disorders. Radient Homeopathy treats the root-cause of the urinary problem with herbal medicines, specialized diets and lifestyle plans.
Radient Homeopathy has healed thousands of advanced and initial stage cases of urinary and nephrology problems during the last 25 years. Speak with a Radient doctor to find out how Homeopathy can help you.
Every person is unique, hence treatment for the person’s disease must be unique too. Radient Pharma doctors take
the Ayunique™ approach, which includes:
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49,024 Urinary problems consulted successfully